The bags are handcrafted and all unique, its made from real leather and they are really strong.
Its really big, perfect for school, very good quality and real leather. This is post it about Habibah a new brand for bags, the first collection is aired and here are some of the bags, you can order it already if you send me an email to
This is the first one, like I said, this is mine and its definitely my favorite! Its very boho-like, its usually not really my style, but this backpack is amazing!
Wanna order this BackPack(Bag 1)? send me an email to
The price is 89,99 euros and its real leather.
This is a very beatiful bag, its perfect for a day to the beach or for a picknik, but you can also use it for the shopping.
Wanna order this bag( Bag 2)? Send me an email to
The price is 59,99 euros (This is also real leather and some fun details)
This is Bag 4, this is a different model and they also sell it in the color Pink. It is pretty big and very strong.
Wanna Order this bag? (Bag 3, you may chose pink or blue)
Send me an email to
The price is 69,99 (Same as the pink one)
And this is the Disco Beach Bag, I really like this one, the colors are really happy and this is the biggest model. You can either use it for the beach and picknik and actually for everything.
The bags are easiliy to close though.
Wanna Order this bag? (Disco Beach Bag)
Send me an email to and say the name of the bag (by all of them)
The price of this one is 69,99 euros.
Lots of Love,
p.s. They will have a webshop soon, but you can already order it by me.
Thankyou so much, I will read about it later.